Bentley OpenUtilities CONNECT Edition Help

Configuring the XFM Schema

GSA and Register Features

Prepare for Register Features

A short cut should be created to ensure the correct settings are enabled when running register features and when exporting workspaces from GSA

To create a short cut to GSA :

  1. Copy the default GSA short cut to your desktop
  2. Right-click on the short and select rename.
  3. Enter a new name for the short cut.
  4. Right-click on the short cut and select properties. The Properties dialog opens. .
  5. Add the command line start options –expand=true and –register_fullname, e.g., "C:\Program Files\Bentley\UtilitiesDesigner\Map\bin\GeospatialAdmin.exe" -expand=false -register_fullname.
  6. Click the Apply button.
  7. Click the OK button to close the Properties dialog.

To create a base XFM file for Oracle Spatial :

  1. Navigate into the DataModel folder, e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\UtilitiesDesigner\UtilitiesDesigner\DataModel\BentleyUD.
  2. Copy BUD_DGN_Base.xml to BUD_OS2T_Base.xml.
  3. Start GSA and open BUD_OS2T_Base.xml
  4. Change schema parameters to your Workspace preference – E.g. Project Name: BentleyUD_OS – E.g. Description: Bentley Utilities Oracle Spatial schema.
  5. Right-click on Graphical Sources>OracleSpatial Connection. A popup menu appears.
  6. Select "Add>New…" in the popup menu.
  7. Enter the connection parameters for the Oracle database. Typically, it should match the service name, user, and password specified in the Settings tab of the BUDOracleSpatialTools workbook.
  8. Click the Test button. A message should display declaring "Connection Successful".
  9. Click OK in the message box.
  10. Click OK in the Build Connection dialog.
  11. Save the base XFM schema file and exit GSA.

To create the XFM schema file for feature registration :

Macros that generate the XFM schema file must be run in the order illustrated by the diagram below. The first macro takes BUD_OS2T_Base.xml as input and produces BUD_E_OS2T.XML. Each successive macro takes as input the file produced by the previous macro and so on. If you are creating a schema with only one commodity or a subset of the commodities, you will need to adjust the input file names in the VBA macros.

  1. Navigate to the Electric folder "DataModel\Electric\".
  2. Open _BentleyElectric_DL.xls.
  3. Execute the macro Export_BentleyUD_DGN_Base_E.
  4. Navigate to the Gas folder "DataModel\Gas\".
  5. Open _BentleyGas_DL.xls.
  6. Execute the macro Export_BentleyUD_DGN_E_G.
  7. Navigate to the Water folder "DataModel\Water\".
  8. Open _BentleyWater_DL.xls.
  9. Execute the macro Export_BentleyUD_DGN_EG_W.
  10. Navigate to the Wastewater folder "DataModel\Wastewater\".
  11. Open _BentleyWastewater_DL.xls.
  12. Execute the macro Export_BentleyUD_DGN_EGW_WW.

Register Features

To Register Features with GSA :

  1. Navigate to the multi-utility folder, e.g. “DataModel\BentleyUD\”.
  2. Copy BUD_OS2T.XML to BUD_OS2T_Registered.xml. This step saves the original XFM schema file just in case you need to restart the Register Features process.
  3. Start GSA using the –expand=true and –register_fullname options.
  4. Open BUD_OS2T_Registered.xml .
  5. Right-click on Oracle Spatial Connection>Named Connection. A popup menu appears.
  6. Select the Register Features menu entry in the popup menu.
  7. Select all the options except "Topology Features" in the Database Login screen and enter the password for the user login.
  8. Click the OK button in the Database Login dialog. The first Register Features Wizard screen appears after about a minute.
  9. Click the Select All button in the "Welcome to the Register Features Wizard" screen. Do not click the Next button just yet!
  10. Unselect each of the following features in the "Welcome to the Register Features Wizard" screen.
  11. Click the Next button in the "Welcome to the Register Features Wizard" screen.
  12. Click the Next button in the "Feature Names" screen. The Next screen appears in about 2 minutes. See section 6.1 in Known issues before accepting the defaults in this screen.
  13. Click the Next button in the "Specify Composite Surface Features" screen.
  14. Click the Next button in the "Point Geometry Rotation and Scale" screen unless you prefer Rotation in degrees or if you changed the names for Rotation, X Scale, and Y Scale parameters. In that case, you will need to remap each feature to your settings.
  15. Click the Next button in the "Point Geometry Text" screen.
  16. Click the Finish button in the "Confirm Feature Registration" screen. The focus returns to GSA after about a minute.
  17. Click on the Save command in GSA.
  18. Click on the Export command in GSA. This command creates the workspace with the features registered.